6 Reasons Industrial CIPP Repair Is the Next Big Market to Explore

6 Reasons Industrial CIPP Repair is the Next Big Market to Explore

Commercial businesses and industrial companies dread downtime. Closing your doors or slowing your operations means lost revenue. But when plumbing problems demand serious repairs, conventional solutions often lead to expensive and long interruptions to the daily routine.

That’s why businesses have started looking to industrial CIPP repair services. And for your pipe repair business, commercial and industrial jobs offer a major expansion to your opportunities—and your bottom line.

Why Industrial CIPP Repair?

Conventional pipe repair and replacement is costly, time-consuming, and disruptive to business operations. In many cases, broken pipes need to be completely removed and replaced from underneath the floors of the building, which often results in the business being forced to shut down temporarily while the repairs are completed.

Industrial CIPP repair is the perfect alternative, offering fast, noninvasive, and environmentally friendly repairs that cost less than trenching in many cases.

Reduce Service Interruptions

Your customers won’t have to worry about shutting off their utilities for a week to get a conventional trenching repair done. CIPP repairs can often be done with minimal impact on sewer and water use. And when bigger projects make it impossible to reconnect quickly, temporary rerouting of services can let your customers keep their businesses running while you complete the repairs.

Avoid Business Closures

Conventional repairs could spell big losses for businesses. When floors and foundations need to be pulled apart to reach damaged pipes, the whole building may need to shut down for days, and possibly weeks. Even just the equipment to make those repairs happen could interfere with daily operations.

Industrial CIPP repairs take a different approach. The equipment takes up much less space, keeping more of the business operational, and since floors can stay intact during most repairs, there’s no need to shut their customers out during the project.

Eliminate Production Delays

Manufacturing operations need to keep running, even when pipes break. CIPP repairs make this possible in most cases by keeping production floors relatively clear and functional. And when it’s necessary to pause production, those pauses are shorter than conventional repairs.

Avoid Extra Costs

Digging and trenching is more than just time-consuming. It’s also expensive. CIPP repairs help businesses minimize repair costs by eliminating excavation and refurbishment. And with a life expectancy that rivals conventional pull-and-replace services, industrial CIPP repairs have excellent returns on the investment.

Keep Timelines Short

Time is money for any business, so faster work with better results is always a win. CIPP repairs can cut days, and even weeks, off your customers’ timelines. Even overnight jobs are possible when repair times could be as little as a few hours.

Smaller Environmental Impact

Industrial CIPP repairs carry fewer environmental risks than conventional repairs, and they have a smaller carbon footprint. With no need for heavy machinery, less need for multiple-day repairs, and a reduced risk for contamination, CIPP is perfect for eco-conscious businesses.

Opportunities in the Commercial and Industrial Sectors

Industrial CIPP repair opens many opportunities for your business, expanding your customer base into new markets with an alternative to expensive tear-outs and replacements. Beyond just industrial applications, CIPP repairs help businesses, schools, and public service facilities stay running smoothly when sewer and plumbing problems occur.


  • Factories

  • Warehouses

  • Processing plants

  • Power plants and refineries

  • Manufacturing and fabrication facilities


  • Service Storefronts

  • Retail spaces

  • Restaurants

  • Theaters

  • Offices

  • Hotels


  • Jails

  • Schools

  • Museums

  • Firehouses

  • Universities

  • Nursing homes

  • Hospitals and clinics

  • Law enforcement facilities

  • Sports complexes and arenas

Adding Industrial CIPP Repair to Your Current Services

New CIPP businesses that choose to specialize in industrial CIPP repairs can start with specific training and equipment that make these larger projects smooth from start to finish. But established CIPP repair businesses can easily expand into industrial repairs as well, although it may take additional training and equipment to complete some projects.

Larger Diameters

Many industrial and commercial facilities will have larger diameter pipes to accommodate a greater flow demand. If your teams are familiar with conventional sewer pipe repairs, these larger pipes will be similar, but the equipment and material needs may differ slightly.

Different Resin Needs

Manufacturing and processing plants deal with corrosive and reactive materials regularly, so it’s important to know how each resin handles chemicals. Typical 2-part resins handle wastewater and potable water well, but vinyl ester and other bases can provide more chemical resistance. It’s worth talking to your pipe lining supply company to find out what resins will work best with your target market.

More Chances for Minor Trenching

Although the hallmark of CIPP repair is the minimal digging required, bigger projects in the industrial and commercial sectors may require more trenching to access pipes or replace sections that can’t be repaired. Hybrid repairs still make projects less expensive and faster than conventional repairs alone.

Longer and More Complex Infrastructure

Residential work often only requires a few yards of repair, but commercial and industrial CIPP repairs may require hundreds of feet of pipe scoping, cleaning, and repair. And these repairs may also include T-joints, angles, and bends. CIPP repair still addresses these problems, but additional training and guidance could be a big help for these types of repairs.

How T3 Helps Your Business Grow

Transitioning into a new market can be a big undertaking, but having the right pipe lining supply company makes all the difference. T3 is more than just a warehouse and shipping department. We’re dedicated to helping small pipe repair businesses succeed with CIPP repair.

Here’s what you can expect when you choose T3 for your pipe lining supply needs.

Training to Cover New Challenges

Meet new challenges in the industrial market head-on with our customized training. T3 doesn’t rely on cookie-cutter workshops, so you’ll get the training you need at your team’s skill level. We train on the equipment you’ll use, and we help you understand how to install and cure our resins and liners properly, including unique pipe run challenges like laterals, bends, and elbows.

Outstanding Customer Service

T3 Lining Supply isn’t just a supply company. We’re a full-service team that stands beside its customers when they need help. Your team can call our experts 24 hours a day to talk with a live expert to get you through unexpected issues in the field. With over 50 years of combined experience, our team has seen and solved almost any issue you could imagine, and that knowledge is available to you at no extra cost!

Tested Materials

We want our customers to feel confident in their installations, so we’ve made sure our materials are benchmarked for curing, durability, and chemical resistance. We take our resins and liners to third-party testing facilities to ensure we know what it takes to install them correctly. Our detailed specifications go beyond ASTM standards to help your business stand out from the crowd.

The Extra Mile

We’re a small family-owned business, and we treat our customers like part of the family. We make sure special requests, urgent needs, and big orders are fulfilled quickly so your teams can keep working at full speed. We won’t just sell you a product and disappear. We’re right beside you for the whole journey.

Ready to break into industrial CIPP repair? Get in touch with our team today to see the T3 difference for yourself!


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