What Is Trenchless Lining Technical Training? ( Plus 5 Reasons You Invest In It)

What Is Trenchless Lining Technical Training? (and 5 Reasons You Should Invest in It)

If you’ve been thinking about adding CIPP repair to your plumbing business, now’s the perfect time to get started. With demand growing every year for affordable, eco-friendly pipe repairs, there’s plenty of potential for growth.

But what if your teams need more than just the equipment to get started?

This is where trenchless lining technical training comes into play. With the right training program and support, your journey from beginner to expert is a lot easier to make.

What Is Trenchless Lining Technical Training for Pipe Repair Businesses?

Just like trade schools give you the technical knowledge for conventional plumbing and repairs, trenchless lining technical training provides all the knowledge you need to properly use the equipment and materials necessary for cured-in-place pipe repairs. But most plumbing technology programs don’t include CIPP training in their coursework, leaving new plumbers unprepared for this growing solution for crumbling infrastructure.

Trenchless training focuses on bridging the gap between conventional coursework and certification and the skills needed to add CIPP repair to your plumbing company.

Why Invest in Technical Training?

The time, money, and energy required for training may seem like a big investment when starting a CIPP repair business, but starting off on the right foot can make a huge difference in your success. Here are five reasons it’s worth your investment to find trenchless lining technical training.

Knowing Your Equipment

Repair businesses need to know their equipment to successfully repair broken pipes. But CIPP repair equipment is unlike the typical plumbing equipment. These specialized tools require extra training since they’re rarely covered in conventional plumbing courses.

Trenchless lining technical training covers all the equipment you’ll work with on a daily basis. From inversion drums and rollers to hot water systems, this training will help your team members become familiar with using these tools correctly.

Knowing Your Materials

Plumbers are skilled experts with various pipe materials, connectors, and soldering methods. That same expertise is important for efficient trenchless pipe repairs. The difference is in the materials your teams will use.

For CIPP repairs, technicians will need to know how to use resins and liners properly, including adjustments that should be made for variations in temperature. Trenchless lining technical training gives your team all the knowledge they need about the materials they’ll use for repairs.

Knowing Your Process

Once repair crews are familiar with the tools, equipment, and materials for CIPP repairs, the next step is becoming familiar with the process of repairing the pipes. While basic knowledge is helpful, experience using that equipment is more important to success.

Technical training provides the opportunity for teams to get hands-on experience using the equipment they’ll have in the field for pipe repairs. In this controlled environment, training instructors can help new technicians perform repairs without worrying about making mistakes.

Knowing How to Troubleshoot

When repair technicians become familiar with the equipment, materials, and processes for proper CIPP repairs, they can also better understand and troubleshoot challenges they encounter. Trenchless lining technical training provides the experience necessary to find solutions to problems on the job.

Whether it’s a tricky bend in a stretch of pipe or trouble getting the liner to cure, the familiarity built through training helps technicians stay on track in the real world.

Knowing Where to Go for Support

Technical training provides both foundational knowledge and hands-on experience with CIPP repair. But even with extensive training, there will always be unexpected challenges. In these cases, it’s important to have a place to go for help.

Live customer support with experienced repair technicians can be the difference between keeping the job rolling and losing valuable hours. If your training and supply company doesn’t have live customer support, you might end up losing business when challenges prevent your teams from efficiently completing the job.

Trenchless Lining Technical Training: The T3 Difference

Getting the right training starts with choosing the right supply company. At T3, we’re serious about our training. But we’re even more serious about your success. Our customers will tell you exactly that: we don’t look like other pipe lining supply companies, and it’s for good reason.

Custom-Tailored Training

Our trenchless lining technical training options meet your teams where they are in every way: experience, location, and equipment. We’ll train you on how to use your equipment with our materials, or we’ll help you find industry-leading tools to make the work even easier.

We can train you at one of our two locations, or we can come to you. And we make sure  you’re learning what you need to know without repeating familiar concepts or leaving out steps your team needs to be successful.

Top-Quality Equipment and Materials

No other CIPP supplier can match our rigorous testing standards for our resins. When you partner with us, we make sure know curing times, temperatures, mixes, and techniques that will make it simple to complete every job with the highest quality and reliability.

We carry the leading brands in CIPP repair equipment, as well as our in-house brand that we’ve customized for our exact specifications. You’ll know you have the right tools and materials to provide affordable and dependable repairs.

24-Hour Support

At T3, we don’t send you to an automated system or a voicemail inbox when you call. Our seasoned experts are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to help you work through tough jobs, emergency issues, and unfamiliar technical issues. We don’t sell and ghost. Instead, we’re right beside you from the first job to the hundredth.

Ready to get started? We can’t wait to talk with you about how CIPP repairs can grow your business! Give us a call, or reach out to us here to find out more.


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